Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Marching With A Limp

Have you ever felt that you were just slightly out of step with everyone else? I remember growing up and not being very popular. And then when my family moved and I started a new school, I was the new kid in the neighborhood and everyone else had been in school together since 1st grade. I was really the odd man out.

So often it is easy to get a pity party going for my self. Being a supervisor (even though just part time) and living among co-workers can be a problem. You do not get invited to go do things with "friends" or, like this evening, you do not get invited to parties/pot lucks. Tonight there was a pot luck and a party at a "friends" house. These are co-workers and neighbors. Everyone lives in this area. In fact, we all mostly live on the same street. I was driving home from work, it was about 5:30 and I drove past the pot luck. Everyone was sitting outside in a large circle, food was being partaked of and the entire neighborhood was there. But my wife and I were not invited. So, we made dinner and watched a movie.

At times I have to convince myself that I was over looked. Other times I have to come up with a reason with a little creativity. But most of all, I have to take a deep breathe, not allow it to bother me, and treat everyone the same. I have to not allow my pity party to take control.

The Bible does say that we are to love others. It just never mentions how hard it can be.

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