Monday, October 18, 2010

The Bell Rang and I Had to Answer the Call

Sometimes you wake up and the craving is there. You want a certain item to eat, or you want to hear a specific song, or maybe it is just to do a certain thing. I woke up like that the other day. I was off from work and I needed some Taco Bell.

Now remember I live 60 miles from the nearest Taco Bell. To eat at Taco Bell is a major feat in our household. And to go to Williams AZ one needs to justify that action with more than just lunch at the Bell.

So off to Williams we went. I ordered a burrito and the new XXL Chalupa. The question I had was not if they were any good but just how large is this thing? I found out.
This chalupa came out in its own box, not wrapped in paper like the other items on our tray. Then I opened the box and there he was.
He was pretty darn big! But how much larger than a normal chalupa was he?
My wife did not have the XXL Chalupa so I took her normal size challupa and sat him down next to mine. The new one is twice the size of the regular chalupa. And I must confess that it was pretty darn tasty!

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