My mornings have been the same for
many years.
I get up,
make coffee,
grab my Bible,
and have some quiet time with the Lord.
This is a very special time
that I look forward to
on a daily basis.
I normally begin in Genesis
work my way through to Revelation.
It might take a while
(like a few years)
because I only read about 1-2 chapters a day.
There are times when I
may not
what the writer is saying.
But that is okay.
This is not Bible Study time.
It is morning devotions.
This is a time
the Holy Spirit
ministers to me
speaks to my heart.
I cannot
going through my day
my time with the Lord.
Do I ever miss a day?
Always remember that God does not condemn,
Satan does.
He is known as
of the brethren.
He is the one that
traps and snares
for you
in your walk with the Lord
to make you stumble.
Let me encourage
those of you reading this
that do not have that
daily time with the Lord to do so.
Try it for a
and see how
your walk with the Lord changes.
Those who
do have that time
alone with the Lord,
let me the first
to encourage you to
keep at it.
And when you do miss for what ever reason,
don’t beat yourself up
because you miss a day.
Just pick up where you left off
continue on.